The Secret History Of Sharks: The Rise Of The Ocean'S Most Fearsome Predators - Hardcover

The Secret History Of Sharks: The Rise Of The Ocean'S Most Fearsome Predators

Long, John

From ancient megalodons to fearsome Great Whites, this is the complete, untold story of how sharks emerged as Earth's ultimate survivors, by a world-leading paleontologist.

Sharks have been fighting for their lives for 500 million years and are under dire threat today. They are the longest surviving vertebrate on Earth, outlasting multiple mass extinction events that decimated life on the planet. How did they thrive so long? By developing superpower-like abilities that allowed them to ascend to the top of the oceanic food chain.

John Long, who has been on the cutting edge of shark research for decades, weaves a thrilling story of sharksā€™ unparalleled reign. The Secret History of Sharks showcases the global search to discover sharksā€™ secret history, led by Long and dozens of other extraordinary scientists. They embark on digs to all seven continents, investigating layers of rock and using cutting edge technology to reveal never-before-found fossils and the clues to sharksā€™ singular story.

As the tale unfolds, Long introduces an enormous range of astonishing organisms: a thirty-foot-long shark with a deadly saw blade of jagged teeth protruding from its lower jaws, a monster giant clams crusher, and bizarre sharks fossilized while in their mating ritual, and also includes startling new facts about the mighty megalodon, with its sixty-six-foot-long body, massive jaws, and six-inch serrated teeth.

With insights into the threats to sharks today, how sharks contribute to medical advances, and the lessons sharks can teach us for our own survival, The Secret History of Sharks is a riveting story of scientific discovery with ramifications far beyond the ocean.
